Plumas County Communities Wildfire Protection Plan- The Plumas County Communities Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) provides documentation of implementing actions designed to reduce risk to homes and communities from wildfire through education and outreach programs, the development of partnerships, and implementation of preventative activities such as hazardous fuel reduction, defensible space, land use, or building codes. The emphasis of this plan is to work from the home outward into the forests so that man-made and natural resources survive the eventual intrusion of a wildfire.
CAL FIRE Lassen Modoc Unit Fire Plan-The Lassen Modoc Unit Fire Management Plan documents the assessment of the fire situation in the unit. It includes stakeholder contributions and priorities, and identifies strategic targets for proactive approaches and project based solutions, which are defined by the people who live and work with the local fire problem.
Feather River Resource Conservation District Fuels Treatment Project Report (2003)- This report summarizes three years of analysis, interviews, and project planning pertaining to forest health and fuels reduction in Plumas County, California. The ultimate goal of the project was to synthesize past completed fuels treatments, proposed future treatments, and vulnerable gaps in the landscape into a regional priority plan which land managers and project proponents would utilize to drive decision making and project development. This project identifies forest conditions that are vulnerable to wildfire and potential location specific treatments to improve resiliency.
California Fire Plan- The California Fire Plan is the state's road map for reducing the risk of wildfire. The Fire Plan is a cooperative effort between the State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. By placing the emphasis on what needs to be done long before a fire starts, the Fire Plan looks to reduce fire fighting costs and property losses, increase firefighter safety, and to contribute to ecosystem health.
Plumas County Hazard Mitigation Plan- This plan describes actions that communities can take to help reduce or eliminate long-term risks caused by natural and man-made disasters. Disaster in Plumas County can include floods, wildfires, landslides, earthquakes, winter storms and drought.