Plumas County Fire Safe Council Certificate of Recognition
This recognition program is designed to publicly honor a person, business, or community that performed an act or acted in a manner that helped to reduce losses from wildfire or helped to meet the objectives of the Plumas County Communities' Wildfire Protection Plan.
The Council is in awe of all of the post-fire assistance and recovery work that has been undertaken by our community members. While we are grateful for those actions, we ask that this recognition program remain in alignment with the Fire Safe Council's focus on pre-fire activities that protect communities.
What: Recipients will be presented with a certificate at a Fire Safe Council meeting and the reason(s) for their recognition will be published in local news outlets.
Any person, business or community is eligible to receive this recognition (they do not need to be a Plumas County resident)
Any Plumas County resident may submit a nomination (you do not need to be a member of the Plumas County Fire Safe Council)
How it works:
To submit a nomination, please use the form below or contact the Fire Safe Council's Outreach Coordinator at 530-927-5294.
Submissions received at least two weeks before the next scheduled Fire Safe Council meeting will be considered for presentation at the upcoming meeting.
Submissions received after that deadline will be considered for the next meeting.
Submissions will be reviewed by the Recognition Program Subcommittee and receive final approval from the Plumas County Fire Safe Council Board.