Plumas County Tree Mortality Task Force - The Plumas County website provides information for identifying and removing dead and diseased trees. Notes from the local Task Force meetings are compiled by the Fire Safe Council.
InciWeb Fire Information- InciWeb is a real-time searchable website that has become a “go-to” source for public and media seeking the most current official information about emergency response to incidents such as: wildfires, hurricanes, tornados, floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. To save lives and property from wildfire, NFPA's Firewise Communities program teaches people how to adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work together and take action now to prevent losses. Smokey’s National website about wildfire, fire prevention how-to’s, Smokey’s history and Smokey for kids and Educators. Learn how to prevent wildfire while using outdoor equipment, camping, operating vehicles and burning debris. Insurance Institute for business and home: News on research on how homes ignite and steps you can do to make your home or business safer in the event of a wildfire.
Social Media: Visit these facebook pages for current information and updates
The Plumas County Communities Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) provides documentation of implementing actions designed to reduce risk to homes and communities from wildfire through education and outreach programs, the development of partnerships, and implementation of preventative activities such as hazardous fuel reduction, defensible space, land use, or building codes. The emphasis of this plan is to work from the home outward into the forests so that man-made and natural resources survive the eventual intrusion of a wildfire.