Each participating property features unique fire safe home improvements and welcomes those seeking advice.
How the tour works:
Browse the map below of participating properties throughout Plumas County and choose which fire safe features interest you.
Navigate to the provided address.
Meet with the property owner for an exterior tour, ask questions, and make connections.
Indian Valley
Jeff Greef’s Home Community: Indian Valley Address: 19301 Valley View Dr. Greenville, CA 95947 Fire Safe Features:
Ten acres thinned
Three acres were underburned
All buildings on property are hardened off with fire resistive materials
2500 gallon water tank.
Extensive buffer areas of reduced fuels around home to reduce fire intensity.
Parking specifications:
Home is located a half mile up the road from the highway. Go left of the burned house on the right, continue up. Park anywhere in the green near the red roofed cabin and outbuildings.
What you should know about this property:
This property and homes are an example of the effectiveness of fuels reduction and buffer zones - survived the Dixie Fire when it came through Indian Valley.
Portola Area
Andrea and Mike Irving's Home Community: Smith Creek Ranch Address: 1171 Smith Creek Ranch, Graeagle, CA 96103 Fire Safe Features:
Ongoing work on fuels reduction throughout the 10 acres
Ample maneuverability for fire vehicles along the drive and around the home
Extended defensible space for firefighters to safely defend
Whole house generator which will keep lights on and water well functioning for defense
Hardscape around entire structure
Home hardening upgrades such as metal siding on Southeast side of home Mister installed along eaves on one side
Firewood storage screened to keep embers out
Parking specifications:
What you should know about this property:
We invite the Forest Service and other fire personnel to view the progress on our property and structures and ask for suggestions on improvement. We are included in the Mohawk Fuels reduction project, we take advantage of the chipping program and utilize the Graeagle dump.
American Valley
Lucinda and Stretch Gillum’s Home Community: Quincy, American Valley Address: 1179 Amity Lane, Quincy CA 95971 Directions: East end of Chandler Rd. about 1 mile from Hwy 70. 6 green house number signs and mailboxes at the bottom of a dirt lane.2nd driveway to the left as you head up the hill. Fire Safe Features:
Understory clearing and burn pile debris removal.
Easy fire screen gutter guards
Re-purposed corrugated roofing for deck hardening and woodshed hardening
Juniper privacy barrier removed and replaced with privacy fence (metal/wood combo)
Severe pruning or removal of trees and shrubs close to structures
Parking Specifications:
Where is convenient
Greg Kinne’s Home Community: Quincy, American Valley Address: 800 Quincy Junction Road, Quincy, CA 95971 Fire Safe Features: Landscape treatments adjacent to the structure