Chuck Bowman is a member of the Graeagle Fire Protection District Firewise Community. He has been instrumental to get Firewise USA® status for the Mohawk Valley communities that are included in the Graeagle Fire Protection District. His knowledge and leadership continues to work to keep that status active, with training and projects to keep the forests healthy and fire resilient.
In 2005, he became involved as a volunteer on a local Architectural Review Committee, which led to an interest in training in HIZ procedures and volunteer consultations. He joined the Plumas County Fire Safe Council in 2008 and became a board member in 2011.
Chuck is known to be there for anyone who needs him, he is generous with his time and talent. He's passionate about firesafe issues, an overall “great guy”.
In 2005, he became involved as a volunteer on a local Architectural Review Committee, which led to an interest in training in HIZ procedures and volunteer consultations. He joined the Plumas County Fire Safe Council in 2008 and became a board member in 2011.
Chuck is known to be there for anyone who needs him, he is generous with his time and talent. He's passionate about firesafe issues, an overall “great guy”.